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Services for Algorithmic Traders

Algorithmyx has the technology and quantitative finance expertise to help professional traders implement automated trading strategies.

Real-time Trading System Implementation

If you already have a proven strategy and need to get it up and running quickly, Algorithmyx can help you select and customize the appropriate technology platform. We can provide:

  • Complete end-to-end system development and algorithm implementation for automated trading of futures, options, and equities

  • Selection and setup of a secure and reliable hosting environment

  • Solutions based on the RightEdge trading framework

  • Expertise in low-latency market data and exchange connectivity

  • Expertise in CUDA for accelerating complex algorithms for real-time low-latency response

Trading Strategy Development

If you have a strategy and would like to better understand its performance before trading it in a live account, Algorithmyx can help you model and simulate it. We can provide:

  • Trading simulation and historical back-testing platform development

  • Assistance with strategy modeling and simulation

  • Expertise in CUDA and cloud computing for improving simulation performance and managing large data sets

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